Stek has advised Enexis Group on the sale of all shares in the capital of Fudura B.V. through a controlled auction process to a consortium of PGGM Infrastructure Fund (PGGM) and DIF Capital Partners (DIF). PGGM and DIF intend to each acquire 50% of the shares of Fudura B.V. Closing of the transaction will take place after works council consultation and approval of the transaction by the Enexis shareholders and the European Commission.

Fudura is the market leading B2B provider of medium-voltage electricity infrastructure (mainly transformers), metering devices and related data services in the Netherlands. PGGM invests pension capital of amongst other Dutch pension fund “Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn” on behalf of its three million participants. DIF is an investment fund that is supported by international pension funds and insurers.

To read more about the deal: