Stek has successfully represented Utility Support Group in the objections procedure of Sabic Petrochemicals against the decline of Sabic’s enforcement request by the Authority for Consumers and Markets, the energy regulator. Sabic argued that USG incorrectly applied the so-called volume correction in its electricity transport rates.

By decision of 3 February 2023 ACM sided with USG, rejected the objections of Sabic and ruled that USG correctly applies the Electricity Act and the volume correction regime contained therein.

Unrelated to this case, ACM also announced that it does not want to continue the volume correction regime.

Click here for the news release of ACM of 9 March 2023 containing the public version of the decision on the objections against the rejection of the enforcement request of Sabic (in Dutch). Click here for the news release of ACM of 2 March on the future of the volume correction regime.