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Stek advises IK Partners on the acquisition of Defibrion Group

Stek advised IK Partners on the acquisition of a majority interest in Defibrion Group from Holland Capital. Defibrion is a leading distributor of automatic external defibrillators (AED’s) and related emergency products in Europe and North-America. With the support of IK Partners, the group intends to further expand its existing platform…

Stek successful in appeal on network congestion rules

Stek has successfully represented the electricity distribution system operators, through their representative organization Netbeheer Nederland, in an appeal initiated by Energie-Nederland before the Administrative High Court for Trade and Industry (“CBb”) against a decision of the Dutch energy regulator, the Authority for Consumers and Markets (“ACM”), on congestion management. Appellant…

Stek advises UniGasket and Polyfluor Plastics on the acquisition of Tomachem’s activities

Stek has advised UniGasket and Polyfluor Plastics on the acquisition by Polyfluor Plastics of Tomachem’s activities. UniGasket is an Italian-based company and market leader in PTFE products and shareholder of Polyfluor Plastics. Polyfluor Plastics is a Dutch-based company in high-performance fluoroplastic products. Tomachem manufactures and distributes fluoroplastic products for different…

Stek advises founders of Emendo Capital on strategic investment by Natixis Partners

Stek has advised the founders of Emendo Capital on a strategic investment in Emendo Capital by Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking, through its M&A subsidiary Natixis Partners. Emendo Capital, based in Amsterdam, is a leading Dutch corporate finance boutique serving corporate, investor and government clients.The global M&A activities of Natixis…

Stek advises Dispatch on the introduction of the largest stand-alone battery storage system in the Netherlands

Dispatch, a Dutch battery developer, is to build the largest stand-alone battery storage system (BESS) in the Netherlands, in which Stek acted as its advisor. The battery with a capacity of 45 MW/90 MWh will be built in the port area of Dordrecht on a 6,000 m²…

Stek advises IK Partners and its portfolio company Veldeman Group on the acquisition of Maessen Tentsupply

Stek has advised IK Partners and its portfolio company Veldeman Group on the acquisition of Maessen Tentsupply and the reinvestment of the management team of Maessen Tentsupply. Veldeman Group is a specialist in tentstructures and modular infrastructure headquartered in Belgium. The acquisition of Maessen Tentsupply, an established name in the…

Stek successfully fends off civil claim of Nobian for Stedin

Stek has successfully represented energy distribution system operator Stedin Netbeheer B.V. (“Stedin”) in fending off a civil claim of Nobian Industrial Chemicals B.V. (“Nobian”). Before the Rotterdam District Court Nobian claimed that the court should order Stedin with transmission system operator TenneT TSO B.V. jointly and severally liable for payment…

Stek advises on Open Heat Grid Delft

The municipality of Delft is advancing towards providing affordable and sustainable heating to its residents with the establishment of a new district heating network in the Voorhof and Buitenhof neighborhoods. Recently, key stakeholders, including housing corporations Woonbron, Vidomes, Stedelink, and DUWO, along with heating network operator NetVerder, heat supplier InWarmte,…

Stek advises a syndicate of lenders with respect to asset-based financing provided to a supplier of IT equipment

Stek has advised a syndicate of lenders with respect to asset-based financing provided to a supplier of IT equipment. A syndicate of four lenders has provided an asset-based and revolving facility to a supplier of IT equipment with European presence.