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Stek advises Neenah in the acquisition of Coldenhove Papier

American specialty paper manufacturer Neenah Paper, Inc (NYSE: NP) has acquired all shares in the capital of Coldenhove Papier, a Dutch paper manufacturer which was founded in 1661. Please click here for the press release.

Stek advises the Amsterdam Climate & Energy Fund and Titan LNG on the financing of Europe's first LNG bunkering pontoon

Stek advises the Amsterdam Climate & Energy Fund (AKEF) and Titan LNG (a supplier of LNG to the marine and industrial markets in North West Europe) on the financing of Europe’s first LNG bunkering pontoon, the FlexFueler001. AKEF is an investment fund having the City of Amsterdam as largest…

Stek acts for management in Shell’s acquistion of NewMotion

Shell, one of the world’s largest energy providers, has acquired NewMotion in a deal that will enable both companies to accelerate the transition to low-carbon transport. Under the terms of the deal, NewMotion will remain focused on accelerating its mission in Europe by delivering more innovative smart-charging solutions to homes,…

Stek advises ING Bank on financing of acquisition by H2 of One Way Plastics

Stek has advised ING Bank on the financing of the acquisition by H2 Equity Partners of One Way Plastics. One Way Plastics is a developer and manufacturer of disposable piping bags for bakers and chefs. Press here for the press release.

Stek successful for Enduris in landmark judgment on municipal taxes on encroachments

Following the judgment of the Supreme Court of 26 June 2016 (ECLI:NL:HR:2016:1267) the appeal court in The Hague has rendered a landmark judgment in a dispute on municipal tax on encroachments on, over and under public land and water (precario). The dispute evolves around a tax assessment of EUR 544,695…

Stek advises Vattenfall/Nuon on the acquisition of 32 wind turbine positions from Windcollectief Wieringermeer

Stek advises Vattenfall/Nuon on the acquisition of 32 wind turbine positions of the members of Windcollectief Wieringermeer. As a consequence Nuon will own a total of 82 wind turbines (295 MW) at the future Wieringermeer wind farm, which will be the largest on shore wind farm in the Netherlands. Nuon…

Stek also successful for Alliander before District Court Rotterdam on permissible activities

In 2016 Stek successfully assisted Alliander before the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) in the request for sanctions of RWE (Innogy) against Alliander’s subsidiaries Allego (electrical charging infrastructure), MPARE, EXE and HOOM. By letter of 9 Feburary 2016 and decision of 22 April 2016 ACM rejected this request for…

Stek successful for Tata Steel in dispute with TenneT

Stek has successfully represented Tata Steel Ijmuiden in a dispute resolution procedure before the Authority for Consumers and Markets. Tata Steel was the complainant in that procedure and argued that TenneT, the national electricity transmission system operator, had not adequately performed its statutory tasks. The background to the complaint is…

Stek assists new shareholders PVNED in obtaining ACM approval

Stek has assisted HVC, KAS Energy and Eneco in obtaining merger control approval of ACM (the Authority for Consumers and Markets) for their participation in PVNED. Previously PVNED was owned in equal parts by PZEM (previously DELTA) and Eneco; after the transaction PVNED is owned in equal parts by Eneco,…