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Stek successfully represented Budget Energie in dispute regarding the reduction of feed-in compensation

Stek successfully represented Budget Energie, part of Budget Thuis, in a key case against a consumer concerning the reduction of the feed-in compensation for electricity from 100% to 50% of the base supply rate per kWh. The case was brought by a consumer who argued that the reduction was in…

Stek successful for Dutch heat supply sector in litigation on admissibility

Stek has successfully represented the industry association of heat companies in the Netherlands, Vereniging Energie-Nederland (“VEN”), in a case on the admissibility of individuals in administrative proceedings against the maximum heat supply tariffs set by the Dutch energy regulator, the Authority for Consumers and Markets (“ACM”).The case revolved around an…

Stek successful for electricity distribution system operators in appeal on connection periods

Stek successfully represented all Dutch electricity distribution system operators through their representative organization Netbeheer Nederland in an appeal before the Administrative High Court for Trade and Industry (CBb). The appeal had been lodged against a decision of the energy regulator, the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), that set maximum…

Stek successful for Corendon in civil proceedings against before the Amsterdam Court of Appeal

Stek has successfully represented Corendon International Travel B.V. (Corendon) together with a team from Geradin Partners in fending of a multimillion euro claim of B.V. (Prijsvrij). In 2013, Corendon terminated an agency agreement concluded between it and Prijsvrij. Prijsvrij took the position that the termination was null and void…

Stek successful in appeal on network congestion rules

Stek has successfully represented the electricity distribution system operators, through their representative organization Netbeheer Nederland, in an appeal initiated by Energie-Nederland before the Administrative High Court for Trade and Industry (“CBb”) against a decision of the Dutch energy regulator, the Authority for Consumers and Markets (“ACM”), on congestion management. Appellant…

Stek successfully fends off civil claim of Nobian for Stedin

Stek has successfully represented energy distribution system operator Stedin Netbeheer B.V. (“Stedin”) in fending off a civil claim of Nobian Industrial Chemicals B.V. (“Nobian”). Before the Rotterdam District Court Nobian claimed that the court should order Stedin with transmission system operator TenneT TSO B.V. jointly and severally liable for payment…

Stek again victorious for USG on allocation of costs for the transportation of electricity to SABIC

Stek has successfully represented Utility Support Group (USG) B.V. (“USG”) in the continuation of its dispute with SABIC Petrochemicals B.V. (“SABIC”) over the allocation of costs for the transport of electricity via the closed distribution system of USG on the so-called Chemelot site (the “CDS”). Stek had already successfully represented…

Victory for our client Samsung in a cartel damages case related to the cathode ray tube cartel

Our client Samsung has scored a victory in a cartel damages action brought before the Dutch court by Turkish television manufacturer Vestel. The proceedings relate to the European Commission’s decision of December 5, 2012, in which the European Commission found that a number of companies formed a cartel in the…

Stek successfully represented easyJet in a dispute against Schiphol

Stek successfully represented easyJet in a dispute against Schiphol. easyJet had summoned Schiphol in relation with the chaos at the airport in 2022. On 15 January, a day before the oral hearing was scheduled, an agreement was reached between easyJet and Schiphol regarding compensation. Click here,…

Stek assists Stedin in dispute on statutory information obligations

Stek successfully represented energy distribution system operator Stedin in summary proceedings before the Rotterdam District Court. The dispute arose against the backdrop of congestion on the high-voltage grid of the national transmission system operator TenneT at the port of Rotterdam. Stedin was sued by one of its customers, a multinational…