Geschillenbeslechting, Herstructurering en Insolventie, Technologie

Jan Bart van de Hel


Mobiel +31 20 530 52 37
Telefoon +31 6 2095 5910
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Jan Bart is partner in het Dispute Resolution team. Hij is gespecialiseerd in corporate en commerciële geschillenbeslechting en geeft samen met Gerben Smit leiding aan het Dispute Resolution team. Zijn praktijk bestrijkt het gehele terrein van geschillenbeslechting, met een nadruk op banking en finance litigation, bestuurders- en beroepsaansprakelijkheid, geschillen die voortvloeien uit fusies en overnames en (kartel)schadeclaims.

Jan Bart heeft uitgebreide ervaring in omvangrijke interne onderzoeken en asset recovery zaken. Hij adviseert diverse (beursgenoteerde) ondernemingen en financiële instellingen met betrekking tot ondernemingsrechtelijke en verbintenisrechtelijke vraagstukken en aansprakelijkheidskwesties.


Chambers Europe – Dispute Resolution

  • “He has a strategic and pragmatic approach with a view of the bigger picture.” (2023)
  • “Jan Bart van de Hel is an analytically strong and sharp lawyer who is always trying to get the best for his client.” (2022)

Legal 500 – Dispute Resolution: Commercial litigation

  • “Jan Bart van de Hel is always accessible, has a pragmatic mindset and an efficient approach. His availability and quick responses have been instrumental in keeping our legal cases on track and ensuring effective communication within the team. His pragmatic approach to problem-solving has not only streamlined our processes but also provided innovative solutions when we needed them the most. His efficiency is truly commendable, as he consistently delivers high-quality results in a timely manner.” (2024)
  • “Jan Bart van de Hel has extensive experience in follow-on cartel damages claims. He identifies legal issues thoroughly and implements practical solutions effectively. He also provides high-quality service with exceptional communication.” (2024)
  • “Jan Bart van de Hel is an excellent litigation lawyer.” (2022)
  • Partner bij Stek (2017 – heden)
  • Docent aan de Law Firm School  (2015 – heden)
  • Docent aan de Nyenrode Business University (2015 – heden)
  • Lid van Investigation Committee Meavita (2011 – 2013)
  • Advocaat bij Allen & Overy (2007 – 2016)
"Jan Bart van de Hel is a pleasure to work with. He is calm, personable and a strong leader of his team. He is also an excellent lawyer and strategist, who manages not just the pure legal side of large cases, but also demonstrates a strong expertise in dealing with strategy and reputational issues"
Dispute Resolution