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Stek advises on Open Heat Grid Delft

The municipality of Delft is advancing towards providing affordable and sustainable heating to its residents with the establishment of a new district heating network in the Voorhof and Buitenhof neighborhoods. Recently, key stakeholders, including housing corporations Woonbron, Vidomes, Stedelink, and DUWO, along with heating network operator NetVerder, heat supplier InWarmte,…

Stek advises Stedin on EUR 500 million equity investment by the Dutch State

Stek has advised grid operator Stedin Group on its EUR 500 million equity contribution agreement with the Dutch State. Stedin, the Dutch State and the Shareholders’ Committee of Stedin Group have reached agreement on an equity investment by the Dutch State in Stedin. As a result, the Dutch State will…

Stek advises DIF Capital Partners on investment in Greener

Stek has advised DIF Capital Partners (DIF) in the investment in Greener Power Solutions (Greener), a leading Dutch mobile battery solution provider. DIF, through its fund DIF CIF III, acquired a majority stake and provided capital that will enable Greener to rapidly grow its battery fleet in order to expand…

Stek advises Danish biogas producer Nature Energy on its Dutch market entrance

Stek advises Danish biogas producer Nature Energy on its Dutch market entrance, including the acquisition of a biogas plant located in Almere. Nature Energy is market leader in turning thousands of tonnes of biomass into green, CO2-neutral gas as effectively as possible. It owns and operates 12 biogas plants located…