Stek has successfully represented Tata Steel Ijmuiden in a dispute resolution procedure before the Authority for Consumers and Markets. Tata Steel was the complainant in that procedure and argued that TenneT, the national electricity transmission system operator, had not adequately performed its statutory tasks. The background to the complaint is the large-scale power interruption in the 380 kV grid of TenneT near Diemen on 27 March 2015. By decision of 24 August ACM has for the most important part upheld the complaint of Tata Steel and has ruled that TenneT has violated the Netcode Electricity and the Electricity Act because (i) its grid is not designed and operated in such a way that a simple failure cannot lead to a transport interruption and (ii) TenneT has not done everything that was reasonably in its powers to prevent a transport interruption and has therefore been negligent.

Click here for the press release of ACM, here for the dispute resolution decision and here for the press coverage on (in Dutch).