In 2016 Stek successfully assisted Alliander before the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) in the request for sanctions of RWE (Innogy) against Alliander’s subsidiaries Allego (electrical charging infrastructure), MPARE, EXE and HOOM. By letter of 9 Feburary 2016 and decision of 22 April 2016 ACM rejected this request for sanctions and ruled that the activities of these subsidiaries are in line with the Electricity Act 1998 and the Gas Act  (click here). Innogy and Nuon have appealed this rejection before the District Court Rotterdam. By judgment of 14 September 2017 the District Court Rotterdam has ruled that the activities of the Alliander subsidiaries are permissible and (i) declared the appeal of Nuon with respect to Allego non-admissible, (ii) declared the appeals of Innogy and Nuon with respect to MPARE non-admissible, and (iii) declared the appeals with respect to EXE and HOOM unfounded.

Click here for the judgment (in Dutch).