Stek has assisted the shippers DONG Energy and Eneco Energy Trade in a dispute with Gasunie Transport Services (GTS) before the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). The dispute related to the tariff for the so-called Wobbe Quality Adaptation (WQA) service, the service to process the gas imported via the Gate LNG terminal. By decision of 5 April 2016 ACM has upheld the complaints of DONG and Eneco and has ruled that from 1 October 2014 the tariff of GTS was too high and GTS has not been transparent on how this tariff is broken down. Click here for the news release of ACM and the decision of 5 April 2016 (in Dutch). This decision follows the ACM dispute resolution decision of 27 October 2015 in which ACM sided with DONG, Eneco and RWE on the qualification of the WQA service in the period before 1 October 2014. Click here for our news release on that decision.