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The Yukos case drags on – the Dutch Supreme Court sets aside the judgments of the Court of Appeal of The Hague and refers the case to the Court of Appeal of Amsterdam

Last week the Supreme Court set aside the judgments of the Court of Appeal of The Hague. Both the Russian Federation and the former Yukos shareholders qualify the Supreme Court ruling as a victory. What is this about? What is it all about again? Arbitration The former shareholders of Yukos…


Foreign direct investment screening in the Netherlands - FAQ

Much like in other EU Member States, Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) screening has become a hot topic in the Netherlands. Although the Netherlands has FDI-like rules for certain specific sectors, general FDI legislation is not yet in place. However, a proposal for general FDI legislation has recently been sent to…


Tariff regulation network tariffs energy 2022-2026

The Authority for Consumers and Markets is busy with its method decisions for the tariff regulation of the network tariffs energy 2022-2026. In this ILO article Jan Erik Janssen and Veii Jacobs give an overview of the system of tariff regulation for the network tariffs electricity and gas and the…


Amsterdam District Court renders an important judgment in the truck cartel proceedings

On 12 May 2021, the Amsterdam District Court (the Court) rendered an important judgment in the follow-on damages proceedings initiated by the first batch of claimants against several truck manufacturers. The judgment deals with the following two issues: (i) the scope of the Commission’s Decision (the Decision) and (ii) the…


Crown Van Gelder decision – more clarity on scope of energy dispute resolution procedure?

Under the EU Electricity Market Directive and the Dutch Electricity Act 1998, parties in the Netherlands may refer a complaint against a transmission or distribution system operator in relation to that operator’s obligations under this Directive to the Dutch regulatory authority (Consumer and Market Authority), by means of an out-of-court…


The Dutch scheme and ipso facto clauses: aspects for lenders to consider

Introduction On January 1, 2021 the Dutch Act on Court Sanctioning Of Private Composition To Avoid Bankruptcy (Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord ter voorkoming van faillissement) (the Dutch Scheme) entered into force. The Dutch Scheme provides for a restructuring mechanism for Dutch companies whereby a composition is offered to creditors outside…


New guidance on Article 22 of the European Union’s merger regulation: the end of legal certainty in merger control?

The European Commission recently published new Guidance on merger control. The Commission invites Member States to refer certain concentrations that do not meet domestic merger control thresholds to the European Commission for scrutiny. This in particular concerns start-ups and other companies in innovative or digital markets (e.g. tech or pharma).


Legal 500 2021: Again praise for Stek

Clients and peers are full of praise for Stek in the 2021 edition of the prestigious legal directory Legal 500. Stek has again been ranked for all its practice areas and a large number of its lawyers are listed in this directory. There are listings for: Banking & finance: Borrower…


Stek in Chambers Europe 2021

In the 2021 edition of the authoritative directory Chambers Europe clients are full of praise for Stek. Stek is described as a “strong team with extensive knowledge” and “extraordinarily responsive, business-minded and good to work with”. One client enthuses: “They are able to quickly translate technically complicated input into…