Geschillenbeslechting, Herstructurering en Insolventie

Tanja Schasfoort


Mobiel +31 20 530 52 75
Telefoon +31 6 510 916 75
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Tanja Schasfoort is counsel in de praktijkgroep geschillenbeslechting. Tanja is gespecialiseerd in commerciële geschillenbeslechting. Ze adviseert en procedeert over uiteenlopende (internationale) commerciële geschillen, met een nadruk op het contractenrecht, geschillen die verband houden met M&A transacties, beslag- en executierecht en (kartel)schadeclaims. Tanja heeft ook ruime ervaring met nationale en internationale arbitrage onder verschillende arbitragereglementen en procedures voor de Nederlandse overheidsrechter met betrekking tot arbitrage.


Legal 500  – Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation

  • “Tanja Schasfoort is a talented lawyer who can get quickly to the core of an issue. She is very knowledgeable, energetic and a real pleasure to work with.” (2024)
  • “There are several reasons that make Stek remarkable. Stek analyse complex matters meticulously and provide practical solutions from their unique perspective. Another element that makes Stek stand out is its young, dynamic team, consisting of talented lawyers with multi-dimensional and rich perspectives, who combine their deep business understanding with extensive legal skills. It acts in the most efficient ways when solving a legal matter with brilliant strategies.” (2024)
  • “Gerben Smit and his associate Tanja Schasfoort are an absolute pleasure to work with. Gerben is both sharp and relaxed and a solid co-counsel on whom you can rely. Tanja definitely is up-and-coming.” (2023)
  • “Tanja is a bright lawyer and very organised.” (2022)
  • “Jan Bart van de Hel, Gerben Smit, Tanja Schasfoort and Simon Boersen are all skilled lawyers and very nice to work with.” (2022)
  • Advocaat bij Stek (2019 – heden)
  • Advocaat bij NautaDutilh (2015 – 2019)
  • Lid van het Nederlands Arbitrage Instituut (“NAI Jong Oranje”) (2015 – heden)
  • Lid van de Vereniging Corporate Litigation en de International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) (2022 – heden)
"She is very knowledgeable, energetic and a real pleasure to work with"
Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation - 2024