Heat Act 2: key points for investors

The draft bill ‘Wet collectieve warmtevoorziening’ (the ‘Heat Act 2’) was open for consultation until 3 August 2020. This draft bill – which will fundamentally change the regulatory framework for district heating in the Netherlands compared with the current Heat Act – aims to advance the energy transition from, among other things, gas to heat and thus help to fulfil the Dutch Climate Agreement’s aims of a 49% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (CO2) by 2030 (with 1990 as the benchmark year).

In this ILO article Veii Jacobs and Jan Erik Janssen outline the key points of the draft bill for investors, such as the envisaged system of heat plots and designated heat companies, the sustainability requirements for collective heat systems, the new tariff scheme, additional requirements for heat supply agreements and the obligation of a producer of residual heat to make residual heat available to a heat company upon request. Click here for the article.

For further information on this topic please contact Veii Jacobs or Jan Erik Janssen (+31 20 530 52 00 / veii.jacobs@stek.com or janerik.janssen@stek.com).

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